Associations to the word «Clang»


CLANG, noun. A loud, ringing sound, like that made by free-hanging metal objects striking each other.
CLANG, noun. Quality of tone.
CLANG, noun. The cry of some birds, including the crane and the goose.
CLANG, noun. (psychology) (psychiatry) A word or phrase linked only by sound and not by meaning, characteristic of some mental disorders.
CLANG, verb. (transitive) To strike (objects) together so as to produce a clang.
CLANG, verb. (intransitive) To give out a clang; to resound.

Dictionary definition

CLANG, noun. A loud resonant repeating noise; "he could hear the clang of distant bells".
CLANG, verb. Make a loud noise; "clanging metal".

Wise words

Every creature is a word of God.
Meister Eckhart