Associations to the word «Horrible»
- Shudder
- Nightmare
- Scream
- Agony
- Torture
- Shriek
- Spectacle
- Dungeon
- Sudden
- Ordeal
- Countenance
- Monster
- Terror
- Noise
- Creature
- Sight
- Deed
- Cry
- Dream
- Grin
- Jove
- Browne
- Stench
- Grimace
- Cruelty
- Ives
- Crunch
- Convulsion
- Atrocity
- Parade
- Tor
- Suspense
- Anguish
- Wretch
- Blasphemy
- Prowess
- Silent
- Imagining
- Fascination
- Dread
- Torment
- Malady
- Spectre
- Carnage
- Cruel
- Visage
- Filth
- Tempo
- Something
- Boss
- Deformity
- Lois
- Suffering
- Wickedness
- Smell
- Hag
- Thirst
HORRIBLE, noun. A thing that causes horror; a terrifying thing, particularly a prospective bad consequence asserted as likely to result from an act.
HORRIBLE, noun. A person wearing a comic or grotesque costume in a parade of horribles.
HORRIBLE, adjective. Causing horror; terrible; shocking.
HORRIBLE, adjective. Tremendously bad.
Dictionary definition
HORRIBLE, adjective. Provoking horror; "an atrocious automobile accident"; "a frightful crime of decapitation"; "an alarming, even horrifying, picture"; "war is beyond all words horrible"- Winston Churchill; "an ugly wound".
Wise words
The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and
nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar