Associations to the word «Am»


BE, verb. (intransitive) (now literary) To exist; to have real existence.
BE, verb. With there as dummy subject: to exist.
BE, verb. (intransitive) To occupy a place.
BE, verb. (intransitive) To occur, to take place.
BE, verb. (intransitive) (without predicate) elliptical form of "be here", "go to and return from" or similar.
BE, verb. (transitive) (copulative) Used to name the age of a subject.
BE, verb. (transitive) (copulative) Used to indicate that the subject and object are the same.
BE, verb. (transitive) (copulative) (mathematics) Used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same.
BE, verb. (transitive) (copulative) Used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal.
BE, verb. (transitive) (copulative) Used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it.
BE, verb. (transitive) (copulative) Used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase.
BE, verb. (transitive) (auxiliary) Used to form the passive voice.
BE, verb. (transitive) (auxiliary) Used to form the continuous forms of various tenses.
BE, verb. (archaic) Used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs, most of which indicate motion. Often still used for "to go"
BE, verb. (transitive) (auxiliary) Used to form future tenses, especially the future periphrastic.
BE, verb. Used to link a subject to a count or measurement.
BE, verb. (With since) used to indicate passage of time since the occurrence of an event.
BE, verb. (often impersonal) Used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like.
BE, symbol. (element symbol) Symbol for beryllium.
BE, symbol. The ISO 3166-1 two-letter (alpha-2) code for Belgium.
BE, noun. Bachelor of Engineering.
BE, noun. (linguistics) Black English
BE, noun. Buddhist Era
BE, abbreviation. Berlin, a federal state of Germany.
BE, abbreviation. Bengkulu, a province of Indonesia.
BE A MAN, verb. (idiomatic) To put up with something or take responsibility for it; to deal with something, such as pain or misfortune, without complaining.
BE A THING, verb. (colloquial) to exist, or to be available, widespread, possible, or a common practice
BE ABLE TO, verb. Can, to have the ability to.
BE ABLE TO COUNT ON ONE'S FINGERS, verb. Used to indicate that the number of some specified thing is very small.
BE ALL ABOUT, verb. (colloquial) to deal with, to be focused on
BE ALL ABOUT, verb. (colloquial) to love, to enjoy, to be interested in
BE ALL EARS, verb. (idiomatic) To listen carefully or eagerly; to anticipate.
BE ALONG, verb. To arrive
BE AROUND, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) To be alive, existent, or present.
BE AROUND, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To be near; to socialize with.
BE AS SILENT AS THE GRAVE, verb. (idiomatic) to say absolutely nothing (especially about a particular subject)
BE BORN, verb. To come into existence through birth
BE BORN YESTERDAY, verb. (idiomatic) (informal) To be new, naive, innocent, inexperienced, or easily deceived.
BE BOTHERED, verb. (preceded by can or be able to) To have the enthusiasm (to do something). Typically used in the negative.
BE CALLED, verb. To have a specific name.
BE CAREFUL, interjection. Used to warn people to proceed with caution into a potentially dangerous act.
BE CRUEL TO BE KIND, verb. To do or say something to another person which you believe to be for their own good, and will be helpful for them in the future, although it might be painful or hurtful at this moment.
BE GLAD TO SEE THE BACK OF, verb. (idiomatic) To be glad to get rid of someone; to be glad someone has left.
BE GOOD FOR, verb. (This entry is here for translation purposes only.) to be fit, to be useful
BE HAD, verb. To be deceived.
BE HAD, verb. To be obtained.
BE HERE FOR, verb. Alternative form of be there for
BE IN A SPOT OF BOTHER, verb. (idiomatic) To have a slight problem, to be in a predicament.
BE IN FOR, verb. (idiomatic) To be able to expect or anticipate; to be about to suffer, generally said of something unpleasant.
BE IN FOR, verb. (idiomatic) To be incarcerated for.
BE IN ON, verb. To be a party to a secret shared by a small group of people.
BE IN THE POCKET OF SOMEONE, verb. Alternative form of in someone's pocket
BE IT AS IT MAY, adverb. (idiomatic) Even if that is the case; whether that is true or not; nevertheless.
BE IT WHAT IT WOULD, adverb. (archaic) Synonym of regardless.
BE LEFT HOLDING THE BABY, verb. (idiomatic) To be left with the responsibility of resolving a problem.
BE LIKE, verb. To be similar to something.
BE LIKE, verb. (informal) (chiefly US) To say
BE MOTHER, verb. (idiomatic) (British) To pour out tea for others.
BE MUM, verb. Alternative form of be mother
BE MY GUEST, verb. (idiomatic) Do as you wish; go ahead; help yourself; go for it!
BE OFF WITH YOU, interjection. Go away; get out
BE ON ABOUT, verb. (idiomatic) (UK) (NZ) talk about; mean, intend
BE ON ITS WAY OUT, verb. To be going out of fashion.
BE ON ITS WAY OUT, verb. To be in the process of becoming redundant.
BE ON TO, verb. (idiomatic) To figure out; to realize the truth.
BE ONE, verb. (This entry is here for translation purposes only.) to be in agreement
BE ONESELF, verb. (idiomatic) To behave or act naturally, without regard to how this behavior is perceived by others.
BE OUT FOR, verb. To seek or pursue, especially to determinedly pursue something to one's own benefit.
BE QUIET, interjection. A common imperative instructing the addressed to remain silent.
BE SEIZED OF, verb. To remain in consideration of a matter;
BE SEIZED OF, verb. To reserve the right to reconsider a matter, as in a deliberative assembly.
BE SICK, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see be sick.
BE SICK, verb. (informal) to vomit
BE SNOWED UNDER, verb. (idiomatic) To have a lot of things to do, usually work-related.
BE STILL MY BEATING HEART, verb. Alternative form of be still my heart
BE STILL MY HEART, verb. (idiomatic) Calm down, this situation is too exciting or overly distressing.
BE SURVIVED BY, verb. Used to list the living family members of the deceased person
BE TAKEN ILL, verb. (idiomatic) To become ill.
BE THAT AS IT MAY, adverb. (idiomatic) Even if that is the case; whether that is true or not; nevertheless.
BE THE CASE, verb. To exist as an independent fact of (external) reality.
BE THE WAY TO GO, verb. (idiomatic) To be the best option or course of action.
BE THERE FOR, verb. To be available to provide comfort and support for someone, especially in a period of difficulty.

Dictionary definition

BE, noun. A light strong brittle grey toxic bivalent metallic element.
BE, verb. Have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer".
BE, verb. Be identical to; be someone or something; "The president of the company is John Smith"; "This is my house".
BE, verb. Occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?".
BE, verb. Have an existence, be extant; "Is there a God?".
BE, verb. Happen, occur, take place; "I lost my wallet; this was during the visit to my parents' house"; "There were two hundred people at his funeral"; "There was a lot of noise in the kitchen".
BE, verb. Be identical or equivalent to; "One dollar equals 1,000 rubles these days!".
BE, verb. Form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year"; "These few men comprise his entire army".
BE, verb. Work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function; "He is a herpetologist"; "She is our resident philosopher".
BE, verb. Represent, as of a character on stage; "Derek Jacobi was Hamlet".
BE, verb. Spend or use time; "I may be an hour".
BE, verb. Have life, be alive; "Our great leader is no more"; "My grandfather lived until the end of war".
BE, verb. To remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form; "let her be".
BE, verb. Be priced at; "These shoes cost $100".

Wise words

The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar words.