Associations to the word «Malleus»
- Kramer
- Anvil
- Stirrup
- Witchcraft
- Hammer
- Witch
- Inquisition
- Ligament
- Heinrich
- Vibration
- Crease
- Jakob
- Mammal
- Cartilage
- Dominican
- Membrane
- Gaius
- Bone
- Ear
- Treatise
- 8vo
- Manual
- Jaw
- Pathogen
- Lever
- Demon
- Lyons
- Bacterium
- Handbook
- Nerve
- Jacob
- Infection
- Prosecution
- Persecution
- Mule
- Hunting
- Hunter
- Cavity
- Gland
- Devil
- Handle
- Warfare
- Fever
- Canal
- Agent
- Muscle
- Syndrome
- Publication
- Neck
- Virus
- Tube
- Author
- Discovery
- Middle
- Edition
- Encyclopedia
- Disease
- Chain
- Pope
- Marine
- Cause
MALLEUS, noun. (anatomy) The small hammer-shaped bone of the middle ear.
MALLEUS, noun. (ichthyology) The tripus (ossicle in cypriniform fishes).
MALLEUS, noun. (zoology) One of the paired calcareous structures within the mastax of rotifers.
Dictionary definition
MALLEUS, noun. The ossicle attached to the eardrum.
Wise words
The words of truth are simple.