Associations to the word «Handy»
- Alabama
- Musician
- Stove
- Brent
- Livingston
- Irving
- Lad
- Outfit
- Mississippi
- Rigging
- Rhythm
- Neil
- Shovel
- Oar
- Rope
- Forge
- Rhyme
- Rifle
- Feller
- Cramer
- Clyde
- Ole
- Fist
- Basket
- Pug
- Pianist
- Snack
- Kettle
- Keep
- Beggar
- Petition
- Kieran
- Emergency
- Weapon
- Gent
- Brady
- Rehearsal
- Jimmy
- Award
- Tracing
- Winchester
- Tune
- Carpenter
- Glove
- Zu
- Em
- Twa
- Pile
- Folk
- Composer
- Hardware
- Stick
- Oliver
- Bert
- Hms
- Dan
- Musket
- Socket
- Craft
- Bunk
- Christopher
- Seaman
- Orchestra
- Accompaniment
- Clothes
- Laptop
- Blaster
- Johnny
- Das
- Ron
- Liquor
- Scanner
- Hesitation
- Morton
- Pillow
- Mouse
HANDY, adjective. Easy to use, useful.
HANDY, adjective. Nearby, within reach.
HANDY, adjective. (dialect) dexterous, skilful
HANDY, adjective. Description applied to freight ships which have a small cargo capacity (less than 40,000 DWT). Member of the handysize class.
HANDY DANDY, adjective. Handy; helpful or useful, as due to some clever trick or design.
HANDY TALKIE, noun. (radio) a hand-held portable transceiver
Dictionary definition
HANDY, noun. United States blues musician who transcribed and published traditional blues music (1873-1958).
HANDY, adjective. Easy to reach; "found a handy spot for the can opener".
HANDY, adjective. Easy to use; "a handy gadget".
HANDY, adjective. Skillful with the hands; "handy with an axe".
Wise words
We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control
our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we
are then master of the situation.