Associations to the word «Handy»
- Alabama
- Musician
- Stove
- Brent
- Livingston
- Irving
- Lad
- Outfit
- Mississippi
- Rigging
- Rhythm
- Neil
- Shovel
- Oar
- Rope
- Forge
- Rhyme
- Rifle
- Feller
- Cramer
- Clyde
- Ole
- Fist
- Basket
- Pug
- Pianist
- Snack
- Kettle
- Keep
- Beggar
- Petition
- Kieran
- Emergency
- Weapon
- Gent
- Brady
- Rehearsal
- Jimmy
- Award
- Tracing
- Winchester
- Tune
- Carpenter
- Glove
- Zu
- Em
- Twa
- Pile
- Folk
- Composer
- Hardware
- Stick
- Oliver
- Bert
- Hms
- Dan
- Musket
- Socket
- Craft
- Bunk
- Christopher
- Seaman
- Orchestra
- Accompaniment
- Clothes
- Laptop
- Blaster
- Johnny
- Das
- Ron
- Liquor
- Scanner
- Hesitation
- Morton
- Pillow
- Mouse
HANDY, adjective. Easy to use, useful.
HANDY, adjective. Nearby, within reach.
HANDY, adjective. (dialect) dexterous, skilful
HANDY, adjective. Description applied to freight ships which have a small cargo capacity (less than 40,000 DWT). Member of the handysize class.
HANDY DANDY, adjective. Handy; helpful or useful, as due to some clever trick or design.
HANDY TALKIE, noun. (radio) a hand-held portable transceiver
Dictionary definition
HANDY, noun. United States blues musician who transcribed and published traditional blues music (1873-1958).
HANDY, adjective. Easy to reach; "found a handy spot for the can opener".
HANDY, adjective. Easy to use; "a handy gadget".
HANDY, adjective. Skillful with the hands; "handy with an axe".
Wise words
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them for the first time.