Associations to the word «Might»


MIGHT, noun. (uncountable) Power, strength, force or influence held by a person or group.
MIGHT, noun. (uncountable) Physical strength.
MIGHT, noun. (uncountable) The ability to do something.
MIGHT, adjective. (obsolete) (chiefly before 1900) Mighty; powerful; possible.
MIGHT, verb. (auxiliary) Used to indicate conditional or possible actions.
MIGHT, verb. (auxiliary) simple past tense of may Used to indicate permission in past tense.
MIGHT, verb. (auxiliary) simple past tense of may Used to indicate possibility in past tense.
MIGHT AND MAIN, adverb. (manner) With all one's strength; as hard as one can.
MIGHT AND MAIN, noun. All one's strength.
MIGHT CAN, verb. (double modal / stacked modal, used in some dialects) (chiefly Southern US) might be able to; be potentially able to
MIGHT COULD, verb. (double modal / stacked modal, used in some dialects) (chiefly Southern US) would perhaps be able to (used to soften "could" or make it even more conditional)
MIGHT SHOULD, verb. (double modal / stacked modal, used in some dialects) (chiefly Southern US) should perhaps (used to soften "should" and make it less of a command)

Dictionary definition

MIGHT, noun. Physical strength.

Wise words

Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say "infinitely" when you mean "very"; otherwise you'll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite.
C. S. Lewis