Associations to the word «Fracture»
- Vertebra
- Skull
- Concussion
- Rib
- Ankle
- Shale
- Bone
- Ligament
- Deformation
- Magma
- Bruise
- Spine
- Groundwater
- Trauma
- Deformity
- Forearm
- Drilling
- Injury
- Cartilage
- Crack
- Wrist
- Fissure
- Hemorrhage
- Crust
- Stress
- Socket
- Jaw
- Surgery
- Basalt
- Fluid
- Weathering
- Joint
- Autopsy
- Compression
- Tracer
- Dike
- Rupture
- Elbow
- Sinus
- Bleeding
- Lava
- Karst
- Casing
- Conduit
- Freeze
- Uplift
- Displacement
- Leg
- Coma
- Pore
- Gunshot
- Wound
- Swelling
- Limb
- Injection
- Fragment
- Complication
- Fault
- Enamel
- Hip
- Stimulation
- Crater
- Flake
- Clot
- Cement
- Shin
- Microscopy
- Scalp
- Quartz
FRACTURE, noun. The act of breaking, or something that has broken, especially that in bone or cartilage
FRACTURE, noun. (geology) a fault or crack in a rock
FRACTURE, verb. To break, or cause something to break
FRACTURE PLANE, noun. A two-dimensional plane (or other surface) of weakness along which a crystal or other solid will break when under stress
Dictionary definition
FRACTURE, noun. Breaking of hard tissue such as bone; "it was a nasty fracture"; "the break seems to have been caused by a fall".
FRACTURE, noun. (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other; "they built it right over a geological fault"; "he studied the faulting of the earth's crust".
FRACTURE, noun. The act of cracking something.
FRACTURE, verb. Violate or abuse; "This writer really fractures the language".
FRACTURE, verb. Interrupt, break, or destroy; "fracture the balance of power".
FRACTURE, verb. Break into pieces; "The pothole fractured a bolt on the axle".
FRACTURE, verb. Become fractured; "The tibia fractured from the blow of the iron pipe".
FRACTURE, verb. Break (a bone); "She broke her clavicle".
FRACTURE, verb. Fracture a bone of; "I broke my foot while playing hockey".
Wise words
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul