Associations to the word «Diurnal»
- Tide
- Active
- Lizard
- Variation
- Behavior
- Cycle
- Adult
- Constituent
- Rotation
- Daily
- Reptile
- Temperature
- Semi
- Rhythm
- Feeding
- Monkey
- Bird
- Species
- Pattern
- Feed
- Raptor
- Territorial
- Climate
- Prey
- Lepidoptera
- Fluctuation
- Activity
- Harrier
- Buzzard
- Primate
- Amplitude
- Butterfly
- Predator
- Oscillation
- Crawl
- Humidity
- Secretion
- Forage
- Squirrel
- Owl
- Rodent
- Moth
- Falcon
- Insecticide
- Variability
- Kite
- Equator
- Thomson
- Cooler
- Tundra
- Solubility
- Thunderstorm
- Invertebrate
- Mammal
- Antelope
- Precipitation
- Madagascar
- Tropic
- Nectar
- Specie
- Feeder
- Soybean
- Latitude
- Testosterone
DIURNAL, adjective. Happening or occurring during daylight, or primarily active during that time.
DIURNAL, adjective. (botany) Said of a flower open, or releasing its perfume during daylight hours, but not at night.
DIURNAL, adjective. Having a daily cycle that is completed every 24 hours, usually referring to tasks, processes, tides, or sunrise to sunset.
DIURNAL, adjective. (uncommon) Done once every day; daily, quotidian.
DIURNAL, adjective. (archaic) Published daily.
DIURNAL, noun. A flower that opens only in the day.
DIURNAL, noun. (Catholicism) A book containing canonical offices performed during the day, hence not matins.
DIURNAL, noun. (archaic) A diary or journal.
DIURNAL, noun. (archaic) A daily news publication.
DIURNAL ABERRATION, noun. (astronomy) A deviation due to the earth's axial rotation.
DIURNAL ABERRATIONS, noun. Plural of diurnal aberration
DIURNAL ARC, noun. (astrology) the path followed by a planet, point, or degree from its rising point to its setting point.
DIURNAL ARCS, noun. Plural of diurnal arc
Dictionary definition
DIURNAL, adjective. Of or belonging to or active during the day; "diurnal animals are active during the day"; "diurnal flowers are open during the day and closed at night"; "diurnal and nocturnal offices".
DIURNAL, adjective. Having a daily cycle or occurring every day; "diurnal rotation of the heavens".
Wise words
A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is
the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color
and content according to the circumstances and time in which
it is used.