Associations to the word «Crepe»


CRÊPE, noun. Alternative spelling of crepe
CREPE, noun. A soft thin light fabric with a crinkled surface.
CREPE, noun. A flat round pancake-like pastry from Lower Brittany, made with wheat
CREPE, noun. Crepe paper
CREPE, noun. Rubber in sheets used especially for shoe soles.
CREPE, noun. (Ireland) A death notice printed on white card with a background of black crepe paper or cloth, placed on the door of a residence or business.
CREPE, verb. To crease (paper) in such a way to make it look like crepe paper
CREPE DE CHINE, noun. A fine, thin fabric, usually of silk, that is used to make dresses or blouses.
CRÊPE DE CHINE, noun. A fine, thin fabric, usually of silk, that is used to make dresses or blouses.
CRÊPE DE CHINE, noun. A fine, thin fabric, usually of silk, that is used to make dresses or blouses.
CREPE DE CHINES, noun. Plural of crepe de Chine
CRÊPE PAPER, noun. A thin, crinkled tissue paper, often coloured, used for decoration.
CREPE PAPER, noun. Alternative spelling of crêpe paper
CREPE RUBBER, noun. Rubber with a crinkled texture, used for soles of shoes.
CRÊPE SUZETTE, noun. A dessert comprising a crêpe (pancake) topped with caramel and orange sauce and Grand Marnier, then flambeed.

Dictionary definition

CREPE, noun. Paper with a crinkled texture; usually colored and used for decorations.
CREPE, noun. Small very thin pancake.
CREPE, noun. A soft thin light fabric with a crinkled surface.
CREPE, verb. Cover or drape with crape; "crape the mirror".

Wise words

Words derive their power from the original word.
Meister Eckhart