Associations to the word «Bare»
- Buttock
- Breast
- Sandal
- Waist
- Chest
- Fang
- Shirt
- Sleeve
- Tunic
- Bosom
- Neck
- Breech
- Thigh
- Shoulder
- Skirt
- Flesh
- Strap
- Tooth
- Snarl
- Arm
- Garment
- Slab
- Mana
- Hair
- Knuckle
- Grimace
- Resemblance
- Growl
- Grin
- Cleavage
- Nimitz
- Tusk
- Essential
- Snout
- Toe
- Slipper
- Bulb
- Petticoat
- Cupboard
- Bough
- Throat
- Sole
- Ape
- Torso
- Subsistence
- Belly
- Snapping
- Hiss
- Mattress
- Patch
- Galicia
- Expanse
- Stripping
- Foot
- Soul
- Flicker
- Trouser
- Smile
- Dangling
- Forearm
- Vegetation
Pictures for the word «Bare»
BARE, adjective. Minimal; that is or are just sufficient.
BARE, adjective. Naked, uncovered.
BARE, adjective. Having no supplies.
BARE, adjective. Having no decoration.
BARE, adjective. Having had what usually covers (something) removed.
BARE, adjective. (British) (slang) (not comparable) A lot or lots of.
BARE, adjective. With head uncovered; bareheaded.
BARE, adjective. Without anything to cover up or conceal one's thoughts or actions; open to view; exposed.
BARE, adjective. Threadbare; much worn.
BARE, adverb. (British) (slang) Very; significantly.
BARE, adverb. Barely.
BARE, adverb. Without a condom
BARE, noun. (‘the bare’) the surface, the (bare) skin
BARE, noun. Surface; body; substance.
BARE, noun. (architecture) That part of a roofing slate, shingle, tile, or metal plate, which is exposed to the weather.
BARE, verb. (transitive) To uncover; to reveal.
BARE, verb. (obsolete) simple past tense of bear
BARÉ, proper noun. An extinct language of Venezuela.
BARE BONES, noun. The essential elements of something, described without going into detail.
BARE HAND, verb. (transitive) (baseball) when a fielder fields the ball without his glove in his hand.
BARE HAND, noun. An ungloved hand
BARE INFINITIVE, noun. (English grammar) The infinitive form of a verb, without the particle to.
BARE INFINITIVES, noun. Plural of bare infinitive
BARE METAL, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see bare, metal.
BARE METAL, noun. (programming) A runtime environment where little to no abstraction is available: usually employing a low-level programming language, without access to any operating system facilities, and interfacing hardware directly.
BARE METAL, noun. (computing) Physical hardware, as opposed to virtualised.
BARE MINIMUM, noun. The smallest possible quantity or the least fulfilling, but still adequate, condition that is required, acceptable, or suitable for some purpose.
BARE NOUN, noun. (linguistics) A noun used without any quantifier or determiner to modify it.
BARE ONE'S BREAST, verb. To make oneself vulnerable.
BARE ONE'S SOUL, verb. (idiomatic) To reveal one's innermost feelings and thoughts, especially concerning one's doubts, regrets, or flaws; to tell one's personal secrets to others.
BARE ONE'S TEETH, verb. Of an animal, to show one's teeth as a sign of aggression.
BARE ONE'S TEETH, verb. (idiomatic) To show one's aggression
BARE POLES, adjective. (nautical) The condition of a ship when all her canvas has been taken in.
Dictionary definition
BARE, verb. Lay bare; "bare your breasts"; "bare your feelings".
BARE, verb. Make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare".
BARE, verb. Lay bare; "denude a forest".
BARE, adjective. Completely unclothed; "bare bodies"; "naked from the waist up"; "a nude model".
BARE, adjective. Lacking in amplitude or quantity; "a bare livelihood"; "a scanty harvest"; "a spare diet".
BARE, adjective. Not having a protective covering; "unsheathed cables"; "a bare blade".
BARE, adjective. Lacking its natural or customary covering; "a bare hill"; "bare feet".
BARE, adjective. Just barely adequate or within a lower limit; "a bare majority"; "a marginal victory".
BARE, adjective. Apart from anything else; without additions or modifications; "only the bare facts"; "shocked by the mere idea"; "the simple passage of time was enough"; "the simple truth".
BARE, adjective. Lacking a surface finish such as paint; "bare wood"; "unfinished furniture".
BARE, adjective. Providing no shelter or sustenance; "bare rocky hills"; "barren lands"; "the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes"; "the desolate surface of the moon"; "a stark landscape".
BARE, adjective. Having everything extraneous removed including contents; "the bare walls"; "the cupboard was bare".
BARE, adjective. Lacking embellishment or ornamentation; "a plain hair style"; "unembellished white walls"; "functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete".
Wise words
Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause.