Associations to the word «Wig»
- Wag
- Waistcoat
- Gown
- Curl
- Stocking
- Whisker
- Moustache
- Breech
- Wearing
- Barrister
- Mustache
- Costume
- Lace
- Buckle
- Coachman
- Scalp
- Wear
- Afro
- Hair
- Scarf
- Disguise
- Blonde
- Fright
- Hat
- Beard
- Dress
- Robe
- Shave
- Queue
- Attire
- Wearer
- Wardrobe
- Mask
- Makeup
- Shaving
- Hoop
- Footman
- Flip
- Outfit
- Complexion
- Lorry
- Eyebrow
- Beethoven
- Spectacle
- Petticoat
- Coloured
- Barber
- Dressing
- Coat
- Dresser
- Powder
- Cher
- Wrinkle
- Parson
- Maker
- Skirt
- Visage
- Shoe
- Bonnet
- Earring
- Slipper
WIG, noun. A head of real or synthetic hair worn on the head to disguise baldness; for cultural or religious reasons; for fashion; or by actors to help them better resemble the character they are portraying.
WIG, noun. (dated) (among fishermen) An old seal.
WIG, verb. To put on a wig; to provide with a wig (especially of an actor etc.).
WIG, verb. (colloquial) To upbraid, reprimand.
WIG, verb. (colloquial) To become very excitable or emotional; to lose control of one's emotions.
WIG, adjective. (aviation) (nautical) wing-in-ground
WIG BLOCK, noun. (fashion) A simplified head model used to display wigs.
WIG HEAD, noun. A stand for a wig, shaped roughly like a head.
WIG HEADS, noun. Plural of wig head
WIG OUT, verb. (slang) To become extremely emotional or excitable; to lose control of one's emotions.
WIG TREE FERN, noun. Cyathea baileyana, a tree fern native to northeastern Queensland in Australia.
Dictionary definition
WIG, noun. Hairpiece covering the head and made of real or synthetic hair.
WIG, noun. British slang for a scolding.
Wise words
The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as
effective as a rightly timed pause.