Associations to the word «Unmarked»


UNMARKED, adjective. Not bearing identification.
UNMARKED, adjective. Free from blemishes.
UNMARKED, adjective. Not noticed.
UNMARKED, adjective. (sports) Not marked, not closely followed by a defensive player.
UNMARKED, adjective. Not having been marked, or assigned a score.
UNMARKED, adjective. (linguistics) Not marked; not standing out as unusual.
UNMARKED CAR, noun. A police car that has no markings to distinguishes it from a civilian car

Dictionary definition

UNMARKED, adjective. Not having an identifying mark; "unmarked cards"; "an unmarked police car".
UNMARKED, adjective. Not taken into account; "his retirement was not allowed to go unmarked".

Wise words

If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe