Associations to the word «Barred»
- Shutter
- Owl
- Gate
- Window
- Door
- Galaxy
- Black
- Hold
- Bar
- Entrance
- Entry
- Warbler
- Claim
- Plymouth
- Plumage
- Tasmania
- Grille
- Woodpecker
- Constellation
- Spiral
- Hen
- Sylvia
- Rump
- Plaintiff
- Juvenile
- Salamander
- Reelection
- Statute
- Undertaker
- Coming
- Buzzard
- Homosexual
- Mcmahon
- Wren
- Injunction
- Feather
- Zebra
- Portal
- Finch
- Spot
- Limitation
- Cage
- Segregation
- Hogan
- Entourage
- Jeopardy
- Hawk
- Warder
- Tail
- Grate
- Belly
- Exclusion
- Narrow
- Immigration
BARRED, adjective. Having bars; striped.
BARRED, adjective. Prevented.
BARRED, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of bar
BARRED ANTSHRIKE, noun. A passerine bird of the antbird family,Thamnophilus doliatus
BARRED ANTSHRIKES, noun. Plural of barred antshrike
BARRED OWL, noun. A large American owl (Strix varia) with dark brown transverse bars on the breast.
BARRED OWLS, noun. Plural of barred owl
BARRED SPIRAL GALAXIES, noun. Plural of barred spiral galaxy
BARRED SPIRAL GALAXY, noun. (galaxy) A spiral galaxy with a central bar-shaped structure composed of stars.
BARRED TINAMOU, noun. A tinamou, Crypturellus casiquiare.
BARRED TINAMOUS, noun. Plural of barred tinamou
Dictionary definition
BARRED, adjective. Preventing entry or exit or a course of action; "a barricaded street"; "barred doors"; "the blockaded harbor".
BARRED, adjective. Marked with stripes or bands.
Wise words
In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold; Alike
fantastic, if too new, or old: Be not the first by whom the
new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.