Associations to the word «Toll»
- Statute
- Pedestrian
- Limitation
- Procession
- Deep
- Caller
- Mast
- Sticker
- Faint
- Severn
- Fax
- Epidemic
- Sudden
- Receptor
- Fatality
- Gatherer
- Tb
- Billing
- Scotia
- Crossing
- Ferry
- Disaster
- Shroud
- Levy
- Estimate
- Plaintiff
- Due
- Steady
- Coffin
- Telephone
- Civilian
- Concession
- Hike
- Stroke
- Thunder
- Orlando
- Fee
- Accompaniment
- Trenton
- Girdle
- Collecting
- M2
- Casualty
- Malaria
- Duck
- Tower
- Tempest
- Collect
- Exemption
- Sound
- Lorry
- Plank
- Alarm
- Milford
- Starvation
- Cholera
- Stillness
- Deceased
- Prefix
- Penang
- Cent
- Smallpox
- Goth
- Rattle
- Kuala
- Stanza
- Median
- Boom
- Quake
- Subscriber
TOLL, noun. Loss or damage incurred through a disaster.
TOLL, noun. A fee paid for some liberty or privilege, particularly for the privilege of passing over a bridge or on a highway, or for that of vending goods in a fair, market, etc.
TOLL, noun. (business) A fee for using any kind of material processing service.
TOLL, noun. (US) A tollbooth.
TOLL, noun. (UK) (legal) (obsolete) A liberty to buy and sell within the bounds of a manor.
TOLL, noun. A portion of grain taken by a miller as a compensation for grinding.
TOLL, verb. (transitive) To impose a fee for the use of.
TOLL, verb. (ambitransitive) To levy a toll on (someone or something).
TOLL, verb. (transitive) To take as a toll.
TOLL, verb. To pay a toll or tallage.
TOLL, noun. The act or sound of tolling
TOLL, verb. (ergative) To ring (a bell) slowly and repeatedly.
TOLL, verb. (transitive) To summon by ringing a bell.
TOLL, verb. (transitive) To announce by tolling.
TOLL, verb. (transitive) (obsolete) To draw; pull; tug; drag.
TOLL, verb. (transitive) To tear in pieces.
TOLL, verb. (transitive) To draw; entice; invite; allure.
TOLL, verb. (transitive) To lure with bait (especially, fish and animals).
TOLL, verb. (legal) (obsolete) To take away; to vacate; to annul.
TOLL, verb. (legal) To suspend.
TOLL BARRIER, noun. A toll-bar
TOLL BOOTH, noun. A booth on a toll road or toll bridge where the toll is collected.
TOLL BOOTHS, noun. Plural of toll booth
TOLL BRIDGE, noun. A bridge at which a toll is charged for passage.
TOLL BRIDGES, noun. Plural of toll bridge
TOLL CALL, noun. A telephone call with a higher charge than that for a normal local call
TOLL CALL, noun. A long distance call
TOLL CALLS, noun. Plural of toll call
TOLL CASTLE, noun. (historical) A castle, in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, that guarded a customs post and where tolls were collected.
TOLL CASTLES, noun. Plural of toll castle
TOLL LINE, noun. A landline, especially one between telephone exchanges
TOLL LINES, noun. Plural of toll line
TOLL PLAZA, noun. (US) a row of toll booths on a toll road or turnpike
TOLL PLAZAS, noun. Plural of toll plaza
TOLL ROAD, noun. A road, for the use of which a toll must be paid; a turnpike
TOLL ROADS, noun. Plural of toll road
Dictionary definition
TOLL, noun. A fee levied for the use of roads or bridges (used for maintenance).
TOLL, noun. Value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something; "the cost in human life was enormous"; "the price of success is hard work"; "what price glory?".
TOLL, noun. The sound of a bell being struck; "saved by the bell"; "she heard the distant toll of church bells".
TOLL, verb. Ring slowly; "For whom the bell tolls".
TOLL, verb. Charge a fee for using; "Toll the bridges into New York City".
Wise words
Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every