Associations to the word «Redoubt»


REDOUBT, noun. A small, temporary, military fortification.
REDOUBT, noun. A reinforced refuge; a fort.
REDOUBT, noun. A place of safety or refuge.
REDOUBT, verb. (transitive) To fortify, to make into a stronghold.
REDOUBT, verb. (archaic) To dread.
REDOUBT, verb. (rare) To doubt again.
REDOUBT, noun. (rare) The return of doubt.

Dictionary definition

REDOUBT, noun. (military) a temporary or supplementary fortification; typically square or polygonal without flanking defenses.
REDOUBT, noun. An entrenched stronghold or refuge.

Wise words

Words are cheap. The biggest thing you can say is 'elephant'.
Charlie Chaplin