Associations to the word «Sentry»
- Rampart
- Musket
- Picket
- Bayonet
- Parapet
- Corporal
- Perimeter
- Outpost
- Sentinel
- Password
- Guarding
- Osborn
- Salute
- Avenger
- Vigilance
- Boeing
- Gate
- Encampment
- Watchman
- Trench
- Void
- Guard
- Archway
- Alarm
- Barricade
- Duty
- Barracks
- Hulk
- Kc
- Carbine
- Tramp
- Fairfield
- Warder
- Lookout
- Tent
- Checkpoint
- Sharpe
- Alert
- Courtyard
- Redoubt
- Hc
- Hut
- Rifle
- Box
- Guardsman
- Patrol
- Warning
- Posting
- Torino
- Tread
- Cossack
- Sniper
- Frenchmen
- Rooftop
- Moat
- Lantern
- Footstep
SENTRY, noun. A guard, particularly on duty at the entrance to a military base.
SENTRY, noun. (uncountable) Sentry duty; time spent being a sentry.
SENTRY, noun. (nautical) A form of drag to be towed underwater, which on striking bottom is upset and rises to the surface.
SENTRY POST, noun. A location where a sentry is officially stationed.
Dictionary definition
SENTRY, noun. A person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event.
Wise words
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes
are truly endless.