Associations to the word «Carbine»
- M1
- Caliber
- Remington
- Rifle
- Enfield
- Bayonet
- Shotgun
- M2
- Cartridge
- Pistol
- Revolver
- Grenade
- Saber
- Musket
- Repeating
- Muzzle
- Nato
- Barrel
- Sling
- Fn
- Handgun
- Bolt
- Colt
- Firearm
- Holster
- Launcher
- Winchester
- Breech
- M3
- Ammunition
- Trooper
- Dragoon
- Magnum
- Rifleman
- Mk
- Armory
- Sniper
- Koch
- Zimmerman
- Martini
- Cavalry
- Sabre
- Firepower
- Scabbard
- Springfield
- Firing
- Butt
- Ml
- Lever
- Bullet
- Recoil
- Semi
- Saddle
- Ordnance
- Swat
- Variant
- Sharpe
- Volley
- Sg
- Browning
- Marlin
- Blaster
- Binocular
- Weapon
- Piston
- Canteen
- Hussar
- Mccoy
- Gun
- Racehorse
- Spencer
- Horseback
- Spat
- Barricade
- Mallory
- Weaponry
CARBINE, noun. A rifle with a short barrel.
Dictionary definition
CARBINE, noun. Light automatic rifle.
Wise words
We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words
were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only,
and not for things themselves.