Associations to the word «Month»
- Allowance
- Ceasefire
- Rookie
- Maturity
- Rent
- Relapse
- Coma
- Vacation
- Zodiac
- Subscription
- Regimen
- Peso
- Weeks
- Armistice
- Rematch
- Wage
- Eight
- Afterward
- Captivity
- Parole
- Guadalcanal
- Restitution
- Dollar
- Lifespan
- Filming
- Bestseller
- Stint
- Pay
- Signing
- Contract
- Seventeen
- Three
- Costing
- Graduation
- Cooler
- Bail
- Ratification
- Seclusion
- Placebo
- Spawning
- Last
- Chemotherapy
- Pneumonia
- Nl
- Seven
- Onset
- Injury
- Pup
- Sentencing
- Starvation
- Subscriber
- Internment
- Ration
- Negotiation
- Inauguration
- Thunderstorm
- Cruise
MONTH, noun. A period into which a year is divided, historically based on the phases of the moon. In the Gregorian calendar there are twelve months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
MONTH, noun. A period of 30 days, 31 days, or some alternation thereof.
MONTH, noun. (obsolete) (in the plural) A woman's period; menstrual discharge.
MONTH OF SUNDAYS, noun. (idiomatic) A very long time; too long.
MONTH TO DATE, noun. (management) (accounting) The period from the beginning of a calendar month to the end of a reporting period.
Dictionary definition
MONTH, noun. One of the twelve divisions of the calendar year; "he paid the bill last month".
MONTH, noun. A time unit of approximately 30 days; "he was given a month to pay the bill".
Wise words
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