Associations to the word «Relapse»
- Sclerosis
- Regimen
- Chemotherapy
- Addiction
- Alcoholism
- Leukemia
- Addict
- Lymphoma
- Fever
- Placebo
- Subtype
- Ms
- Malaria
- Hepatitis
- Patient
- Therapy
- Treatment
- Symptom
- Heresy
- Transplantation
- Efficacy
- Transplant
- Medication
- Slumber
- Progression
- Progressive
- Drug
- Disease
- Indifference
- Disorder
- Syphilis
- Lesion
- Onset
- Infection
- Gloom
- Treating
- Alcohol
- Syndrome
- Illness
- Recovery
- Tuberculosis
- Inflammation
- Tumor
- Relapse
- Dose
- Abuse
- Mood
- Cancer
- Heretic
- Abstinence
- Coma
- Diagnosis
- Rehabilitation
- Cure
- Recurrence
- Serum
- Disability
- Habit
- Prevention
- Sickness
- Treat
- Craving
- Tick
- Silence
- Schizophrenia
- Louse
- Complication
- Liver
- Arthritis
- Alcoholic
- Coping
- Cartilage
- Reverie
- Psychotherapy
- Fda
- Dis
- Surgery
- Smoker
- Opioid
- Lapse
RELAPSE, verb. (intransitive) To fall back again; to slide or turn back into a former state or practice.
RELAPSE, verb. (intransitive) (medicine) (of a disease) To recur; to worsen, be aggravated.
RELAPSE, verb. To slip or slide back physically; to turn back.
RELAPSE, noun. The act or situation of relapsing.
RELAPSE, noun. (medicine) An occasion when a person becomes ill again after a period of improvement
RELAPSE, noun. (obsolete) One who has relapsed, or fallen back into error; a backslider.
Dictionary definition
RELAPSE, noun. A failure to maintain a higher state.
RELAPSE, verb. Deteriorate in health; "he relapsed".
RELAPSE, verb. Go back to bad behavior; "Those who recidivate are often minor criminals".
Wise words
The most important things are the hardest things to say.
They are the things you get ashamed of because words
diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem
timeless when they are in your head to no more than living
size when they are brought out.