Associations to the word «Exceeding»
- Rainfall
- Limit
- Temperature
- Elevation
- Depth
- Desolation
- Imprisonment
- Advisory
- Importation
- Mph
- Expectation
- Platinum
- Indictment
- Shipment
- Offence
- Annum
- Cc
- Summers
- Ppm
- Shilling
- Mach
- Snowfall
- Conviction
- Tonne
- Finishing
- Fine
- Affliction
- Felony
- Discretion
- Grind
- Centimeter
- Rupee
- Sum
- Gust
- Dollar
- Quota
- Penalty
- Lash
- Motorcycle
- Threshold
- Gdp
- Knot
- Expenditure
- Revenue
- Folk
- Gentleness
- Joy
- Height
- Expiration
- Richness
- Delicacy
- Copy
EXCEEDING, verb. Present participle of exceed
EXCEEDING, adjective. (archaic) prodigious
EXCEEDING, adjective. (archaic) exceptional, extraordinary
EXCEEDING, adjective. (archaic) extreme
EXCEEDING, adverb. (archaic) Exceedingly.
EXCEEDING, noun. (archaic) The situation of being in excess.
Dictionary definition
EXCEEDING, adjective. Far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree; "a night of exceeding darkness"; "an exceptional memory"; "olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy"; "the young Mozart's prodigious talents".
Wise words
He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make
his words good.