Associations to the word «Vacation»
- Marriott
- Resort
- Summer
- Cottage
- Beach
- Florida
- Hotel
- Family
- Vacation
- Lake
- Holiday
- Destination
- Easter
- Honeymoon
- Condominium
- Hobbs
- Trips
- Tourist
- Hollywood
- Christmas
- Spa
- Disneyland
- Leisure
- Cruise
- Vegas
- Camping
- Boating
- Bahamas
- Trip
- Disney
- Hilton
- Skiing
- Hawaii
- Weekend
- Package
- Homeowner
- Spending
- Dude
- Seniority
- Rusty
- Sad
- Outing
- Excursion
- Caribbean
- Tiny
- Postcard
- Semester
- Verne
- Traveler
- Bungalow
- Playhouse
- Week
- Motel
- Cod
- Tourism
- Villa
- Thanksgiving
- Overtime
- Accommodation
- Wage
- Cabin
- Tahiti
- Fortnight
- Massachusetts
- Payroll
- Ranch
- Employee
- Wife
Pictures for the word «Vacation»
VACATION, noun. Freedom from some business or activity. [from 14th c.]
VACATION, noun. (obsolete) Free time given over to a specific purpose; occupation, activity. [15th-17th c.]
VACATION, noun. A period during which official activity or business is formally suspended; an official holiday from university, law courts etc. [from 15th c.]
VACATION, noun. (North America) A holiday; a stretch of leisure time away from work or duty and devoted to rest or pleasure. [from 19th c.]
VACATION, noun. The act of vacating something; moving out. [from 19th c.]
VACATION, noun. (US) (legal) The act of making legally void.
VACATION, verb. (intransitive) To spend or take a vacation.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, noun. A Bible program for children hosted by many Christian churches in the summer.
VACATION DAY, noun. (US) A day one is permitted to not attend work in order to go on a vacation or attend to matters.
VACATION DAYS, noun. Plural of vacation day
VACATION HOME, noun. (US) A building or piece of property used as a secondary residence for vacation purposes; may be rented to others when not in use.
Dictionary definition
VACATION, noun. Leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure; "we get two weeks of vacation every summer"; "we took a short holiday in Puerto Rico".
VACATION, noun. The act of making something legally void.
VACATION, verb. Spend or take a vacation.
Wise words
Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.