Associations to the word «Habilitation»
- Thesis
- Doctorate
- Professorship
- Dissertation
- Jena
- Bonn
- Heidelberg
- Philology
- Phd
- Halle
- Graz
- Leipzig
- Lecturer
- Freiburg
- Planck
- Kiel
- Humboldt
- Innsbruck
- Qualification
- Munich
- Vienna
- Professor
- Berlin
- Frankfurt
- Bern
- Hamburg
- Rehabilitation
- Pharmacology
- Sociology
- Strasbourg
- Basel
- Zurich
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Associate
- Summa
- Prague
- Sud
- Botany
- University
- Psychiatry
- Supervision
- Ludwig
- Zoology
- Degree
- Accreditation
- Pathology
- Maximilian
- Faculty
- Philosophy
- Der
- Chemistry
- Lecture
- Economics
- Des
- Physiology
- Treatise
- Johannes
- Linguistics
- Disability
- Friedrich
- Cologne
- Medicine
- Anatomy
- Otto
- Hanover
- Ph
- Completion
- Science
- Von
- Psychology
- Institute
- Germany
- Stuttgart
- Hermann
HABILITATION, noun. Equipment; qualification.
HABILITATION, noun. An act of habilitating.
HABILITATION, noun. An academic qualification, prerequiring a PhD, required in order to gain tenure as a professor in some European universities; a thesis or dissertation presented to achieve the qualification.
Wise words
He that hath knowledge spareth his words.