Associations to the word «Group»


GROUP, noun. A number of things or persons being in some relation to one another.
GROUP, noun. (group theory) A set with an associative binary operation, under which there exists an identity element, and such that each element has an inverse.
GROUP, noun. (geometry) (archaic) An effective divisor on a curve.
GROUP, noun. A (usually small) group of people who perform music together.
GROUP, noun. (astronomy) A small number (up to about fifty) of galaxies that are near each other.
GROUP, noun. (chemistry) A column in the periodic table of chemical elements.
GROUP, noun. (chemistry) A functional entity consisting of certain atoms whose presence provides a certain property to a molecule, such as the methyl group.
GROUP, noun. (sociology) A subset of a culture or of a society.
GROUP, noun. (military) An air force formation.
GROUP, noun. (geology) A collection of formations or rock strata.
GROUP, noun. (computing) A number of users with same rights with respect to accession, modification, and execution of files, computers and peripherals.
GROUP, noun. An element of an espresso machine from which hot water pours into the portafilter.
GROUP, noun. (music) A number of eighth, sixteenth, etc., notes joined at the stems; sometimes rather indefinitely applied to any ornament made up of a few short notes.
GROUP, noun. (sports) A set of teams playing each other in the same division, while not during the same period playing any teams that belong to other sets in the division.
GROUP, verb. (transitive) To put together to form a group.
GROUP, verb. (intransitive) To come together to form a group.
GROUP ACTION, noun. (group theory) A mapping of a mathematical group to the permutations of an object that is compatible with the group operation.
GROUP ACTION, noun. (sociology) A situation in which a large number of agents take action simultaneously in order to achieve a common goal; their actions are usually coordinated.
GROUP ACTIONS, noun. Plural of group action
GROUP BOX, noun. (graphical user interface) A rectangular control that can contain other controls, intended for grouping similar items visually.
GROUP BOXES, noun. Plural of group box
GROUP CAPTAIN, noun. A rank in the RAF, between that of wing commander and air commodore, equivalent to an army colonel
GROUP CERTIFICATE, noun. (AU) (finance) A statement of earnings from an employer or government department, used for taxation purposes.
GROUP IV, proper noun. (virology) Positive-sense ssRNA viruses.
GROUP LEADER, noun. An individual in charge of a group of people.
GROUP MARRIAGE, noun. A form of polygynous, polyandrous marriage in which more than one man and more than one woman form a family unit.
GROUP MARRIAGES, noun. Plural of group marriage
GROUP OF DEATH, noun. (sports) (jargon) a group in a multi-stage tournament which is unusually competitive, because the number of strong competitors in the group is greater than the number of qualifying places available for the next phase of the tournament
GROUP RING, noun. (algebra) Given ring R with identity not equal to zero, and group \(G = \{g_1, g_2, ..., g_n\}\), the group ring RG has elements of the form \( a_1 g_1 + a_2 g_2 + ... + a_n g_n \) (where \(a_i \isin R \)) such that the sum of \( a_1 g_1 + a_2 g_2 + ... + a_n g_n \) and \( b_1 g_1 + b_2 g_2 + ... + b_n g_n \) is \( (a_1 + b_1) g_1 + (a_2 + b_2) g_2 + ... + (a_n + b_n) g_n\) and the product is \( \sum_{k=1}^n \left ( \sum_{g_i g_j = g_k} a_i b_j \right ) g_k \).
GROUP SEX, noun. The practice of having sex with multiple partners at the same time.
GROUP SPECIFIC ANTIGEN, noun. The genetic material that codes for the structural protein of a retrovirus
GROUP SPECIFIC ANTIGENS, noun. Plural of group specific antigen
GROUP STAGE, noun. (sports) the stage of a competition where teams in the same group play each other, usually before the knockout stage.
GROUP THEORETIC, adjective. Having to do with group theory.
GROUP THEORETICAL, adjective. Having to do with group theory.
GROUP THEORETICIAN, noun. (rare) A group theorist.
GROUP THEORETICIANS, noun. Plural of group theoretician
GROUP THEORIST, noun. An algebraist who specializes in group theory
GROUP THEORISTS, noun. Plural of group theorist
GROUP THEORY, noun. (mathematics) The mathematical theory of groups.
GROUP THERAPY, noun. Group psychotherapy, a form of therapy where patients are treated as a group, using group dynamics.
GROUP VELOCITY, noun. (physics) the propagation velocity of the envelope of a modulated travelling wave, which is considered as the propagation velocity of information or energy contained in it.

Dictionary definition

GROUP, noun. Any number of entities (members) considered as a unit.
GROUP, noun. (chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule.
GROUP, noun. A set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inverse.
GROUP, verb. Arrange into a group or groups; "Can you group these shapes together?".
GROUP, verb. Form a group or group together.

Wise words

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