Associations to the word «Covariant»


COVARIANT, adjective. (category theory) (Of a functor) which preserves composition
COVARIANT, adjective. (computing) (programming) Using or relating to covariance.
COVARIANT, noun. (algebra) A bihomogeneous polynomial in x, y, ... and the coefficients of some homogeneous form in x, y, ... that is invariant under some group of linear transformations.
COVARIANT, noun. (algebra) The variety defined by a covariant.

Dictionary definition

COVARIANT, adjective. Changing so that interrelations with another variable quantity or set of quantities remain unchanged.

Wise words

Words to me were magic. You could say a word and it could conjure up all kinds of images or feelings or a chilly sensation or whatever. It was amazing to me that words had this power.
Amy Tan