Associations to the word «Cock»

Pictures for the word «Cock»


COCK, noun. A male bird, especially a domestic fowl.
COCK, noun. A male chicken or other gallinaceous bird.
COCK, noun. A male pigeon.
COCK, noun. A valve or tap for controlling flow in plumbing.
COCK, noun. The hammer of a firearm trigger mechanism.
COCK, noun. The notch of an arrow or crossbow.
COCK, noun. (slang) (vulgar) The penis.
COCK, noun. (curling) The circle at the end of the rink.
COCK, noun. The state of being cocked; an upward turn, tilt or angle.
COCK, noun. (British) (NZ) (pejorative) (slang) A stupid person.
COCK, noun. (informal) (British) (Tasmania) Term of address.
COCK, noun. A boastful tilt of one's head or hat.
COCK, noun. (informal) shuttlecock
COCK, noun. A vane in the shape of a cock; a weathercock.
COCK, noun. (dated) (humorous) A chief man; a leader or master.
COCK, noun. The crow of a cock, especially the first crow in the morning; cockcrow.
COCK, noun. The style or gnomon of a sundial.
COCK, noun. The indicator of a balance.
COCK, noun. The bridge piece that affords a bearing for the pivot of a balance in a clock or watch.
COCK, verb. (ambitransitive) To lift the cock of a firearm or crossbow; to prepare (a gun or crossbow) to be fired.
COCK, verb. (intransitive) To be prepared to be triggered by having the cock lifted.
COCK, verb. (transitive) To erect; to turn up.
COCK, verb. (British) (transitive) (slang) To copulate with.
COCK, verb. (transitive) To turn or twist something upwards or to one side; to lift or tilt (e.g. headwear) boastfully.
COCK, verb. (intransitive) (dated) To turn (the eye) obliquely and partially close its lid, as an expression of derision or insinuation.
COCK, verb. (intransitive) (dated) To strut; to swagger; to look big, pert, or menacing.
COCK, verb. (transitive) (obsolete) To make a nestle-cock of, to pamper or spoil (of children)
COCK, interjection. (slang) Expression of annoyance.
COCK, noun. A small conical pile of hay.
COCK, verb. (transitive) To form into piles.
COCK, noun. Short for cock-boat, a type of small boat.
COCK, proper noun. (obsolete) A corruption of the word God, used in oaths.
COCK A SNOOK, verb. (UK) (idiomatic) (pejorative) (as a gesture) To perform a snook, a gesture of disrespect.
COCK BLOCK, noun. Alternative spelling of cockblock
COCK BLOCK, verb. Alternative spelling of cockblock
COCK CHEESE, noun. (vulgar) (slang) (idiomatic) smegma or dried semen on the glans penis usually underneath the foreskin
COCK CHEESES, noun. Plural of cock cheese
COCK EGG, noun. (archaic) A yolkless egg.
COCK GOBBLER, noun. (vulgar) (slang) (pejorative) someone who gives blowjobs
COCK GOBBLERS, noun. Plural of cock gobbler
COCK IN THE HENHOUSE, noun. (idiomatic) (metaphor) A man in a situation where he has access to many women, presumably intending to seduce them.
COCK JUICE, noun. (vulgar) (slang) semen, precum, and Cowper's fluid
COCK JUICES, noun. Plural of cock juice
COCK KNOCKER, noun. Alternative spelling of cock-knocker
COCK KNOCKERS, noun. Plural of cock knocker
COCK OF THE PLAINS, noun. The sage grouse.
COCK OF THE ROOST, noun. (idiomatic) A proud or conceited person.
COCK OF THE WALK, noun. (idiomatic) A proud or conceited person.
COCK PIGEON, noun. A male pigeon.
COCK PIGEONS, noun. Plural of cock pigeon
COCK PILOT, noun. (vulgar) (slang) (idiomatic) Someone that is very preoccupied with penises and being sexually penetrated, particularly a gay male bottom
COCK PILOTS, noun. Plural of cock pilot
COCK PUMP, noun. (informal) A penis pump.
COCK PUMPS, noun. Plural of cock pump
COCK RING, noun. A band worn around the base of the penis to slow down the flow of blood into the penile tissue.
COCK RINGS, noun. Plural of cock ring
COCK ROCK, noun. A style of rock music made by male bands, emphasising aggressive sexuality.
COCK ROCKER, noun. A cock rock musician or fan.
COCK ROCKERS, noun. Plural of cock rocker
COCK SIZE, noun. The dimensions (length and girth) of a penis.
COCK SNOT, noun. (vulgar slang) semen
COCK SOCK, noun. A sock-like garment used to cover the penis
COCK SOCK, noun. (slang) condom
COCK SOCKS, noun. Plural of cock sock
COCK TEASE, noun. (slang) (vulgar) A person, usually a woman, who teases a man but then withdraws an alluded-to promise of sexual intercourse.
COCK TEASE, noun. (figuratively) Similarly frustrating teasing, not necessarily either sexual or done by a person.
COCK THROWING, noun. A blood sport in which coksteles are thrown at an immobilised rooster until it is killed
COCK UP, verb. (mildly taboo) (slang) (chiefly British) (NZ) To ruin (something) unintentionally; to screw up, mess up or fuck up.

Dictionary definition

COCK, noun. Obscene terms for penis.
COCK, noun. Faucet consisting of a rotating device for regulating flow of a liquid.
COCK, noun. The part of a gunlock that strikes the percussion cap when the trigger is pulled.
COCK, noun. Adult male chicken.
COCK, noun. Adult male bird.
COCK, verb. Tilt or slant to one side; "cock one's head".
COCK, verb. Set the trigger of a firearm back for firing.
COCK, verb. To walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others; "He struts around like a rooster in a hen house".

Wise words

It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in a few.