Associations to the word «Closeness»


CLOSENESS, noun. The state of being physically close
CLOSENESS, noun. The state of being friends
CLOSENESS, noun. The state of being mean or stingy
CLOSENESS, noun. The state of being secretive
CLOSENESS, noun. (mathematics) The shortest path between two vertices in a graph
CLOSENESS, noun. (archaic) Solitude, seclusion

Dictionary definition

CLOSENESS, noun. A feeling of being intimate and belonging together; "their closeness grew as the night wore on".
CLOSENESS, noun. The quality of being close and poorly ventilated.
CLOSENESS, noun. The spatial property resulting from a relatively small distance; "the sudden closeness of the dock sent him into action".
CLOSENESS, noun. Extreme stinginess.
CLOSENESS, noun. Characterized by a lack of openness (especially about one's actions or purposes).
CLOSENESS, noun. Close or warm friendship; "the absence of fences created a mysterious intimacy in which no one knew privacy".

Wise words

The words printed here are concepts. You must go through the experiences.
Saint Augustine