Associations to the word «Wiz»
- Moira
- Snoop
- Bal
- Ard
- Rapper
- Lil
- Wizard
- Kendrick
- Lamar
- Maroon
- Hackett
- Dieter
- Danny
- Scarecrow
- Programmer
- Motown
- Workstation
- Musical
- Spell
- Oz
- Roscoe
- Fireball
- Dj
- Grease
- Sparrow
- Mona
- Compiler
- Jerry
- Mustard
- Ty
- Mls
- Elf
- Guardsman
- Rolf
- Thug
- Dragon
- Pieter
- Rap
- Bun
- Mug
- Cyrus
- Goblin
- Cloak
- Wren
- Montana
- Dorothy
- Hop
- Quiz
- Wayne
- Magic
- Councilor
- Piccadilly
- Angie
- Ross
- Demon
- Okay
- Dem
- Damn
- Sean
- Mouthful
- Bale
- Scooter
- Turnip
- Witch
WIZ, noun. A person who is exceptionally gifted or skilled in a particular area
WIZ, noun. (Internet) (informal) A wizard; an administrator of a multi-user dungeon.
WIZ, noun. (vulgar) (slang) (especially with the verb "take") An act of urination; a whiz.
Dictionary definition
WIZ, noun. Someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.