Associations to the word «Companionship»
- Loneliness
- Solace
- Intimacy
- Solitude
- Craving
- Warmth
- Friendship
- Comfort
- Sympathy
- Seclusion
- Affection
- Consolation
- Enjoyment
- Pleasure
- Tenderness
- Intercourse
- Pet
- Fulfillment
- Ape
- Soothing
- Fondness
- Luxury
- Delight
- Happiness
- Tarzan
- Desire
- Seek
- Exemption
- Pastime
- Relaxation
- Joy
- Loving
- Semblance
- Instinct
- Charm
- Sorrow
- Communion
- Prostitute
- Mood
- Refinement
- Wandering
- Toil
- Fellowship
- Longing
- Genial
- Lonely
- Dreary
- Intimate
- Affectionate
- Agreeable
- Delightful
- Pleasant
- Feminine
- Cheerful
- Loving
- Solitary
- Sympathetic
- Mutual
- Earthly
- Constant
- Intellectual
- Deprived
- Youthful
- Sweet
- Thankful
- Childish
- Friendly
- Accustomed
- Emotional
- Rearing
- Playful
- Instinct
- Satisfying
- Pet
- Everlasting
- Homely
- Boon
- Happy
- Selfish
- Sensual
- Vogue
- Virtuous
- Lifelong
COMPANIONSHIP, noun. The state of having or being a companion.
COMPANIONSHIP, noun. An association, a fellowship.
COMPANIONSHIP, noun. The state of being a journeyman.
COMPANIONSHIP, noun. An organized group of people.
Dictionary definition
COMPANIONSHIP, noun. The state of being with someone; "he missed their company"; "he enjoyed the society of his friends".
Wise words
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed
in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy,