Associations to the word «Vogue»


VOGUE, noun. The prevailing fashion or style
VOGUE, noun. Popularity or a current craze
VOGUE, noun. A highly stylized modern dance that evolved out of the Harlem ballroom scene in the 1960s.
VOGUE, verb. (intransitive) To dance in the vogue dance style.
VOGUE, proper noun. A fashion and lifestyle magazine.
VOGUE WORD, noun. (linguistics) A neologism that gains sudden popularity but is forgotten after a relatively short time, such as wardrobe malfunction.

Dictionary definition

VOGUE, noun. The popular taste at a given time; "leather is the latest vogue"; "he followed current trends"; "the 1920s had a style of their own".
VOGUE, noun. A current state of general acceptance and use.

Wise words

Life has no meaning unless one lives it with a will, at least to the limit of one's will. Virtue, good, evil are nothing but words, unless one takes them apart in order to build something with them; they do not win their true meaning until one knows how to apply them.
Paul Gauguin