Associations to the word «Circassian»


CIRCASSIAN, proper noun. A North Caucasian language group spoken in Circassia in North West Caucasus Russia.
CIRCASSIAN, proper noun. Sometimes, used for Adyghe, Kabardian, Ubykh and even Abkhazian languages
CIRCASSIAN, noun. A native or inhabitant of Circassia (historical) (nowadays shared by Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia) including Adyghes, Ubykhs, Abkhazs.
CIRCASSIAN, adjective. Of or pertaining to Circassia or Circassians

Dictionary definition

CIRCASSIAN, noun. A member of the Sunni Muslim people living in northwestern Caucasia.
CIRCASSIAN, noun. A mostly Sunni Muslim community living in northwestern Caucasia.
CIRCASSIAN, noun. A northern Caucasian language spoken by the Circassian.

Wise words

Four things come not back. The spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life, ad the neglected opportunity.
Arabian Proverb