Associations to the word «Grand»


GRAND, adjective. Of large size or extent; great; extensive; hence, relatively great; greatest; chief; principal.
GRAND, adjective. Great in size, and fine or imposing in appearance or impression; illustrious, dignified, or noble (said of persons); majestic, splendid, magnificent, or sublime (said of things).
GRAND, adjective. Having higher rank or more dignity, size, or importance than other persons or things of the same name.
GRAND, adjective. Standing in the second or some more remote degree of parentage or descent -- generally used in composition; as, grandfather, grandson, grandchild, etc.
GRAND, adjective. (Ireland) (Northern England) fine; lovely
GRAND, noun. A thousand of some unit of currency, such as dollars or pounds. (Compare G.)
GRAND, noun. (musical instruments) A grand piano
GRAND, proper noun. A commune in France
GRAND ACTION, noun. A pianoforte action, used in grand pianos, in which special devices are employed to obtain perfect action of the hammer in striking and leaving the string.
GRAND BANKS, proper noun. (geography) A large region of relatively shallow seabed in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, located southeast of Newfoundland, which has long served as a major fishing ground.
GRAND C, noun. (music) the C note exactly one octave above high C
GRAND CANYON, proper noun. A large national park and gorge, carved by the Colorado River, located in Arizona.
GRAND CANYON STATE, proper noun. A nickname of the state of Arizona
GRAND CHOP, noun. A ship's port clearance.
GRAND DUCAL, adjective. Of; related, pertaining, belonging, or appropriate to; associated with; or characteristic of a grand duke or duchess, his or her family, a grand dukedom, or grand duchy.
GRAND DUCHESS, noun. The wife or widow of a grand duke.
GRAND DUCHESS, noun. (incorrectly) sometimes applied to render a grand prince's female spouse
GRAND DUCHESS, noun. A daughter or granddaughter of a sovereign (czar or later emperor) of the Russian Empire or a pretender to the throne thereof.
GRAND DUCHESSES, noun. Plural of grand duchess
GRAND DUCHIES, noun. Plural of grand duchy
GRAND DUCHY, noun. The territory owned, ruled, or reigned over by a grand duke or grand duchess; contrast grand dukedom.
GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG, proper noun. The official name of the independent country of Luxembourg.
GRAND DUKE, noun. Ruler or monarch of a grand duchy.
GRAND DUKE, noun. Son or grandson of a czar (emperor) of the Russian Empire. (A more literal translation of the Russian would be "grand prince".)
GRAND DUKEDOM, noun. The title of grand duke or grand duchess, with its pertaining privileges and obligations; contrast grand duchy.
GRAND DUKES, noun. Plural of grand duke
GRAND EXCHANGE, proper noun. The Columbian Exchange.
GRAND FALLS, proper noun. A waterfall system in Arizona
GRAND FALLS, proper noun. A town in New Brunswick
GRAND FINAL, noun. (sport) The culmination of a series of final matches played between a number of sporting teams.
GRAND FINALE, noun. (set phrase) The concluding event or development in a process, performance, or other series of events, made with a special flourish and often in a remarkable or spectacular manner.
GRAND GUIGNOL, proper noun. A Parisian theatre which specialized in grotesque and grisly horror shows.
GRAND GUIGNOL, proper noun. (by extension) That which thrives on grotesquery and gore.
GRAND INQUISITOR, noun. (historical) The lead official of the Inquisition.
GRAND JURIES, noun. Plural of grand jury
GRAND JURY, noun. (legal) A group of citizens assembled by the government to hear evidence against an accused, and determine whether an indictment for a crime should be brought.
GRAND LARCENIES, noun. Plural of grand larceny
GRAND LARCENY, noun. (US) (criminal law) larceny of property whose value is greater than an amount set by law to distinguish it from petty larceny
GRAND LODGE FREEMASONRY, proper noun. Freemasonry in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the British Empire, the Commonwealth of Nations, the United States of America, and the English speaking world generally. It requires belief in God for membership and is apolitical, in contrast to Grand Orient Freemasonry in Romance language countries.
GRAND MAL, noun. A form of epilepsy where the seizures are characterized as severe and involve spasms and unconsciousness. A formal medical term would be tonic-clonic seizures.
GRAND MASTER, noun. An abbreviation of various full titles, especially of fraternal organizations.
GRAND MASTERS, noun. Plural of Grand Master
GRAND MEAN, noun. The mean (average) of all numbers observed, rather than that of a subsample.
GRAND MERCY, interjection. Obsolete form of gramercy.
GRAND MUFTI, noun. A chief leader of Sunnis
GRAND NATIONAL, proper noun. The premier steeplechase (horse race over fences) in the United Kingdom
GRAND OLD MAN, noun. A male leading light; a man who is the most senior exponent of a particular field.
GRAND OLD MEN, noun. Plural of grand old man
GRAND OPENING, noun. The official public opening ceremony of a new establishment.
GRAND ORIENT FREEMASONRY, proper noun. The largest branch of Freemasonry in France.
GRAND ORIENT FREEMASONRY, proper noun. The Freemasonic organizations in continental Europe that recognize the Grand Orient Freemasonry of France or are part of Centre de Liaison et d'Information des Puissances maçonniques Signataires de l'Appel de Strasbourg (CLIPSAS) or Secrétariat international Maçonnique des Puissances Adogmatiques(SIMPA).
GRAND PIANO, noun. (musical instruments) A large piano in which the strings are strung horizontally in a heavy frame shaped like a harp
GRAND PIANOS, noun. Plural of grand piano
GRAND POOBAH, noun. (idiomatic) (colloquial) (often humorous) A person who is important or high-ranking.
GRAND POOBAH, noun. An extremely pompous person.
GRAND POOBAH, noun. Alternative form of grand poobah
GRAND POOBAHS, noun. Plural of grand poobah
GRAND POOBAHS, noun. Plural of Grand Poobah
GRAND POOBAHS, noun. Alternative form of grand poobahs
GRAND PRINCE, noun. An unusual ruler's title, sometimes incorrectly rendered as grand duke, mainly used in Lithuania and some parts of Russia (Muscovy would ultimately unite most Russian principalities and rise to imperial rank) and the Holy Roman Empire.
GRAND PRIOR, noun. The chief of a group of priors, at a large religious house with more than one; also specifically, the commander of a priory of the Knights of St John.
GRAND PRIX, noun. Any of several international races, especially one of a series for Formula One racing cars
GRAND PRIZE, noun. In a tournament, raffle or other contest, the most desirable prize offered for the overall winner.
GRAND PRIZE, noun. First prize.
GRAND RAPIDS, proper noun. A city in Michigan, US
GRAND RAPIDS, proper noun. A city in Minnesota
GRAND RAPIDS, proper noun. A community in British Columbia, Canada
GRAND RAPIDS, proper noun. A town in Manitoba, Canada
GRAND RAPIDS, proper noun. A village in Ohio
GRAND RAPIDS, proper noun. A town in Wisconsin
GRAND ROUNDS, noun. (military) A tour of inspection by a general officer or commander, visiting all the guards in the officer's command.
GRAND ROUNDS, noun. (medicine education) (invariant) A series of lectures whose subject matter is a particular patient or similar case or a formal hospital meeting at which physicians discuss interesting medical cases.
GRAND SALAMI, noun. (baseball) A grand slam
GRAND SCHEME, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see grand,‎ scheme.
GRAND SCHEME, noun. (idiomatic) The totality of the situation approached objectively; the big picture.
GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS, noun. Alternative form of grand scheme
GRAND SCHEMES, noun. Plural of grand scheme
GRAND SLAM, noun. (bridge) The bid and winning of all the tricks during the play of one hand.
GRAND SLAM, noun. (sports) The winning of all available, major or specified events in a given year or sports season.
GRAND SLAM, noun. (baseball) Hitting a home run when the bases are loaded.
GRAND SLAM, proper noun. (British) (football) winning in each of the three UEFA cups - UEFA Champions League, UEFA Cup (to be renamed UEFA Europa League from 2009–10) and Cup Winners' Cup (defunct).
GRAND SLAM, proper noun. (tennis) The four biggest competitions of the year: Wimbledon, the French Open, Australian Open and the US Open
GRAND SLAM, proper noun. (rugby) Victory in every game in the Six Nations competition between England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France and Italy
GRAND SLAM, proper noun. (rugby) Victory by a Southern Hemisphere national team over all of the Home Nations—England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland—in a single tour
GRAND SLAM, proper noun. (golf) The four (or five) biggest competitions of the year, see Grand Slam (golf) on Wikipedia.
GRAND SLAMS, noun. Plural of grand slam
GRAND STAFF, noun. (music) a treble staff joined to a bass staff by means of a brace, with the treble staff on top
GRAND STAVES, noun. Plural of grand staff
GRAND THEFT AUTO, noun. (US) The criminal act of stealing or attempting to steal a motor vehicle.
GRAND THEORY, noun. An overall explanation of phenomena in a particular discipline or realm of experience such as economics, sociology, or history.
GRAND TOTAL, noun. (idiomatic) The entire or final sum.
GRAND TOTALS, noun. Plural of grand total
GRAND TOUR, noun. (cycling) One of the three most prominent cycling races: either the Tour de France, Giro d'Italia and Vuelta a España.
GRAND TOUR, noun. (historical) (17th-19th centuries) A traditional trip around Europe undertaken by mainly upper-class European young men.
GRAND UNCLE, noun. Alternative form of granduncle
GRAND UNIFICATION THEORY, noun. (physics) A theory that unifies the electromagnetic interaction, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction.
GRAND VIZIER, noun. (historical) The greatest minister of a sultan, with absolute power of attorney and, in principle, dismissable only by the sultan himself.
GRAND VIZIERS, noun. Plural of grand vizier

Dictionary definition

GRAND, noun. The cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100.
GRAND, noun. A piano with the strings on a horizontal harp-shaped frame; usually supported by three legs.
GRAND, adjective. Of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope; "an expansive lifestyle"; "in the grand manner"; "collecting on a grand scale"; "heroic undertakings".
GRAND, adjective. Of or befitting a lord; "heir to a lordly fortune"; "of august lineage".
GRAND, adjective. Rich and superior in quality; "a princely sum"; "gilded dining rooms".
GRAND, adjective. Extraordinarily good or great ; used especially as intensifiers; "a fantastic trip to the Orient"; "the film was fantastic!"; "a howling success"; "a marvelous collection of rare books"; "had a rattling conversation about politics"; "a tremendous achievement".
GRAND, adjective. Of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style; "an exalted ideal"; "argue in terms of high-flown ideals"- Oliver Franks; "a noble and lofty concept"; "a grand purpose".
GRAND, adjective. Large and impressive in physical size or extent; "the bridge is a grand structure".
GRAND, adjective. The most important and magnificent in adornment; "grand ballroom"; "grand staircase".
GRAND, adjective. Used of a person's appearance or behavior; befitting an eminent person; "his distinguished bearing"; "the monarch's imposing presence"; "she reigned in magisterial beauty".

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