Associations to the word «Zapotec»


ZAPOTEC, noun. A member of an indigenous people of Mexico, concentrated in the state of Oaxaca and spread into some neighbouring states.
ZAPOTEC, proper noun. Any of a group of Oto-Manguean languages spoken by the Zapotec people.
ZAPOTEC, adjective. Of or relating to the Zapotec people.
ZAPOTEC, adjective. Of or relating to their language.

Dictionary definition

ZAPOTEC, noun. A member of a large tribe of Mesoamericans living in southern Mexico whose civilization flourished around 300 to 900.
ZAPOTEC, noun. The language of the Zapotec.
ZAPOTEC, adjective. Of or relating to the language or culture of the Zapotec people.

Wise words

Every creature is a word of God.
Meister Eckhart