Associations to the word «Woodrow»
- Fulham
- Kaiser
- Underwood
- Haynes
- Saskatchewan
- Dissertation
- Appointment
- Politics
- Clayton
- Trustee
- Aide
- Orlando
- Portsmouth
- Cass
- Supporter
- Gibbs
- Wilkins
- Jefferson
- Graduate
- Twain
- Candidate
- Mcgee
- Baker
- William
- United
- Elect
- School
- Wolff
- University
- Armenia
- Alexandria
- Envoy
- Columbia
- Us
- Battleship
- Dora
- Professor
- Darlington
- Treasury
- Governor
- Gus
- Vernon
- Legislation
- Conference
- Maryland
- Marshall
- Senate
- Lester
- Bryant
- Augusta
- Escort
- Haiti
- Evans
- Rutherford
- Institution
- Villa
- Patton
- Scholarship
- Delegate
- Cooper
- Czechoslovakia
- Sm
- Seminary
- Speech
- Sentinel
- Negotiation
- Wilhelm
- Carnegie
- Irvine
- Williamson
- Memorial
- Interchange
- Herring
- Propaganda
- Stanley
- Ideal
- George
- Milton
- Appropriation
WOODROW, proper noun. A topographic surname for a dweller in a row of houses near a wood.
WOODROW, proper noun. (US) A male given name transferred from the surname, given in the 1910s in honor of President Woodrow Wilson.
Wise words
Life has no meaning unless one lives it with a will, at
least to the limit of one's will. Virtue, good, evil are
nothing but words, unless one takes them apart in order to
build something with them; they do not win their true
meaning until one knows how to apply them.