Associations to the word «Tupis»
- Lingua
- Portuguese
- Brazilian
- Brazil
- Janeiro
- Paraguay
- Paulo
- Brasil
- Santos
- Deluge
- Subgroup
- Vila
- Rio
- Yoruba
- Pau
- Amazon
- Grande
- Language
- Tribe
- Mina
- Ge
- Comes
- Bolivia
- Tv
- Meaning
- Grammar
- Indian
- Stark
- Means
- Old
- Vocabulary
- Mythology
- Native
- Dialect
- Jaguar
- Basin
- Kon
- Dos
- Sanskrit
- European
- Explorer
- Colonist
- Lan
- Migration
- Missionary
- Word
- Name
- Origin
- Canoe
- Spanish
- Viii
- Ritual
- Neighbor
- Legend
- Fruit
- Coast
- Speaker
- Creation
- Creator
- José
- River
- Oil
- Or
- Vi
- Fish
- Stock
- Cult
- De
- Dictionary
- Prospect
- Argentina
- Municipality
- Broadcast
- Region
- Forum
TUPI, proper noun. The Tupi tribe of South America, in French Guiana.
TUPI, proper noun. The language of this tribe.
Dictionary definition
TUPI, noun. A member of the South American Indian people living in Brazil and Paraguay.
TUPI, noun. The language spoken by the Tupi of Brazil and Paraguay.
Wise words
Words are but symbols for the relations of things to one
another and to us; nowhere do they touch upon absolute