Associations to the word «Stigma»


STIGMA, noun. A mark of infamy or disgrace.
STIGMA, noun. A scar or birthmark.
STIGMA, noun. (botany) The sticky part of a flower that receives pollen during pollination.
STIGMA, noun. A ligature of the Greek letters sigma and tau, (Ϛ/ϛ).

Dictionary definition

STIGMA, noun. The apical end of the style where deposited pollen enters the pistil.
STIGMA, noun. A symbol of disgrace or infamy; "And the Lord set a mark upon Cain"--Genesis.
STIGMA, noun. An external tracheal aperture in a terrestrial arthropod.
STIGMA, noun. A skin lesion that is a diagnostic sign of some disease.

Wise words

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.