Associations to the word «Scud»


SCUD, adjective. (slang) (Scotland) Naked.
SCUD, verb. (intransitive) To race along swiftly (especially used of clouds).
SCUD, verb. (ambitransitive) (nautical) To run, or be driven, before a high wind with no sails set.
SCUD, verb. (Northumbria) To hit.
SCUD, verb. (Northumbria) To speed.
SCUD, verb. (Northumbria) To skim.
SCUD, noun. The act of scudding.
SCUD, noun. Clouds or rain driven by the wind.
SCUD, noun. A gust of wind.
SCUD, noun. (Bristol) A scab on a wound.
SCUD, noun. A small flight of larks, or other birds, less than a flock.
SCUD, noun. Any swimming amphipod.
SCUD, noun. (slang) (Scotland) Pornography.
SCUD, noun. (slang) (Scotland) Irn-Bru.
SCUD, proper noun. A Soviet-developed ballistic missile.

Dictionary definition

SCUD, noun. The act of moving along swiftly (as before a gale).
SCUD, verb. Run or move very quickly or hastily; "She dashed into the yard".
SCUD, verb. Run before a gale.

Wise words

Men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues, and can moderate their desires more than their words.
Baruch Spinoza