Associations to the word «Proven»
- Relativity
- Vaccination
- Induction
- Fraud
- Encryption
- Benefit
- Juror
- Filipinos
- Conqueror
- Capability
- Hilbert
- Antibody
- Hydrocarbon
- Existence
- Tool
- Algorithm
- Parentage
- Consistency
- Testing
- Convergence
- Apoptosis
- Theory
- Prosecution
- Accuracy
- Credential
- Warming
- Expertise
- Cancer
- Instinct
- Patient
- Experiment
- Proponent
- Complexity
- Integer
- Deduction
- Steroid
- Zeta
- Baronet
- Uranium
- Vitamin
- Hash
- Correlation
- Strategy
- Involvement
- Experimentation
- Mri
- Outcome
- Drug
- Herbal
- Intravenous
- Forensic
- Adverse
- Asymmetric
- Irrational
- Immune
- Unsafe
- Lucrative
- Diagnostic
- Inconsistent
- Paranormal
- Advantageous
- Skeptical
- Acceptable
- Authentic
- Dietary
- Speculative
- Exhaustive
- Inexpensive
- True
- Consistent
- Inherent
- Inflammatory
- Promising
- Unsuccessful
- Susceptible
- Allergic
- Jury
- Proficient
- Documented
- Safe
- Conventional
- Fetal
PROVEN, adjective. Having been proved; having proved its value or truth.
PROVEN, verb. (often discouraged) past participle of prove
PROVEN, verb. Past participle of prove
Dictionary definition
PROVEN, adjective. Established beyond doubt; "a proven liar"; "a Soviet leader of proven shrewdness".
Wise words
False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect
the soul with evil.