Associations to the word «Populous»
- Milford
- Canton
- Burgh
- Necessary
- India
- Village
- Highland
- Mumbai
- Rosario
- Jamaica
- Island
- Maldives
- Rio
- Aires
- Valencia
- Territory
- Idaho
- Burkina
- Guatemala
- China
- Harrisburg
- Catalonia
- Peninsula
- Hyderabad
- Pow
- Fairfield
- Subdivision
- Mckinley
- Croydon
- Corinth
- Brooklyn
- Breadth
- Prairie
- Cheyenne
- Neighborhood
- Gujarat
- Edifice
- Commune
- Bluff
- Shire
- Tobago
- Middlesex
- Bali
- Grandeur
- Assam
- Midwest
- Siam
- Ethnicity
- Manila
- Indus
- Ventura
- Nicaragua
- Christchurch
- Seventy
- Highlands
- Nevada
- Horseshoe
- Sarawak
- Gods
- Ontario
- Poplar
- Ward
- Anchorage
- Fresno
- Bengal
POPULOUS, adjective. Having a large population.
POPULOUS, adjective. (of a language) Spoken by a large number of people.
POPULOUS, adjective. Densely populated.
POPULOUS, adjective. Crowded with people.
Dictionary definition
POPULOUS, adjective. Densely populated.
Wise words
He that hath knowledge spareth his words.