Associations to the word «Playhouse»
- Campbell
- Clubhouse
- Cleopatra
- Adler
- Norwich
- Television
- Petticoat
- Requiem
- Sheridan
- Cleveland
- Hartman
- Stage
- Oxford
- Hollywood
- Wharf
- Yvonne
- Auditorium
- Brunswick
- Freud
- Choreographer
- Romeo
- Staging
- Revival
- Pittsburgh
- Cheltenham
- Totem
- Manhattan
- Lear
- Hills
- Goodman
- Play
- Omaha
- Actor
- Episode
- Sweeney
- Gateway
- Scala
- Dir
- Junior
- Monica
- Shrew
- Berkshire
- Salesman
- Quincy
- Opera
- Liza
- Manny
- Perth
- Carnegie
- Woodward
- Showcase
- Grove
- Fargo
- Farce
- Coward
- West
- Tele
- Bbc
- Mickey
- Angeles
- Revel
- Barn
- Vacation
- Harlow
- Sitcom
- Piccadilly
- Newcastle
- Sims
- Jersey
- Appearing
- Playground
- Monologue
- Trafalgar
- Shawnee
- Ronnie
- Alchemist
- Wynn
- Rifleman
- Riverside
- Airing
- Troupe
- Tyne
- Harlem
PLAYHOUSE, noun. A theater; a venue for performing plays.
PLAYHOUSE, noun. A toy house for children to play in; a cubby house or Wendy house.
Dictionary definition
PLAYHOUSE, noun. Plaything consisting of a small model of a house that children can play inside of.
Wise words
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.