Associations to the word «Milford»
- Haven
- Marquess
- Bridgeport
- Pembroke
- Connecticut
- Lehigh
- Delaware
- Bb
- Humphrey
- Convoy
- Graves
- Swansea
- Refinery
- Susquehanna
- Donegal
- Fairfield
- Bucks
- Ct
- Clermont
- Dockyard
- Celeste
- Wilton
- Turnpike
- Canaan
- Penelope
- Salisbury
- Dover
- Township
- Portsmouth
- Marlin
- Bethel
- Parkway
- Hampshire
- Montague
- Armagh
- Estuary
- Waterway
- Staffordshire
- Pike
- Upton
- Wilbur
- Belfast
- Mill
- Towers
- Shelton
- Bergen
- Alton
- Dunedin
- Guildford
- Amherst
- Sussex
- Daily
- Dock
- Hackett
- Bypass
- Surrey
- Newark
- Dupont
- Greenwood
- Borough
- Stamford
- Georgetown
- Waterford
- Wales
- Southland
- Massachusetts
- Jersey
- Cardiff
- Piccadilly
- Worcester
- Waverley
- Hms
- Scranton
- Te
- Outpatient
- Peerage
- Grafton
- Pennsylvania
- Berwick
- Granite
- Gibraltar
- Kent
- Mills
- Plymouth
- Watercolor
- Wilmington
- Somerville
- Fairbanks
- Bethlehem
- Bournemouth
MILFORD, proper noun. A common town name, primarily within the British Isles and New England, often used for settlements with watermills built near fords.
Wise words
We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words
were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only,
and not for things themselves.