Associations to the word «Penelope»


PENELOPE, proper noun. A taxonomic genus within the family Cracidae.
PENELOPE, proper noun. (Greek mythology) The faithful wife of Odysseus.
PENELOPE, proper noun. A female given name.
PENELOPE, proper noun. A town in Texas.
PENELOPË, proper noun. Alternative spelling of Penelope
PENELOPE ALBIPENNIS, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the white-winged guan.
PENELOPE ARGYROTIS, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the band-tailed guan.
PENELOPE BARBATA, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the bearded guan.
PENELOPE DABBENEI, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the red-faced guan.
PENELOPE JACQUACU, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the Spix's guan.
PENELOPE JACUCACA, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the white-browed guan.
PENELOPE MARAIL, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the Marail guan.
PENELOPE MONTAGNII, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the Andean guan.
PENELOPE OBSCURA, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the dusky-legged guan.
PENELOPE OCHROGASTER, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the chestnut-bellied guan.
PENELOPE ORTONI, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the Baudo guan.
PENELOPE PERSPICAX, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the Cauca guan.
PENELOPE PILEATA, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the white-crested guan.
PENELOPE PURPURASCENS, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the crested guan.
PENELOPE SUPERCILIARIS, proper noun. A taxonomic species within the family Cracidae   — the rusty-margined guan.

Dictionary definition

PENELOPE, noun. (Greek mythology) the wife of Odysseus and a symbol of devotion and fidelity; for 10 years while Odysseus fought the Trojan War she resisted numerous suitors until Odysseus returned and killed them.
PENELOPE, noun. A genus of guans (turkey-like arboreal birds valued as game and food birds).

Wise words

Every once in a while, you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You can't do that. It's gone, gone forever.
Dan Quayle