Associations to the word «Manor»


MANOR, noun. A landed estate.
MANOR, noun. The main house of such an estate or a similar residence; a mansion.
MANOR, noun. A district over which a feudal lord could exercise certain rights and privileges in medieval western Europe.
MANOR, noun. The lord's residence and seat of control in such a district.
MANOR, noun. (UK) (slang) Any home area or territory in which authority is exercised, often in a police or criminal context.
MANOR, noun. (London) (slang) One's neighbourhood.
MANOR HOUSE, noun. (UK) The main house on a landed estate.
MANOR HOUSE, noun. The house of the lord of the manor.
MANOR HOUSES, noun. Plural of manor house

Dictionary definition

MANOR, noun. The mansion of a lord or wealthy person.
MANOR, noun. The landed estate of a lord (including the house on it).

Wise words

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