Associations to the word «Bohemia»
- Moravia
- Silesia
- Habsburg
- Protectorate
- Sigismund
- Archduke
- Prague
- Czech
- Duchy
- Hungary
- Matthias
- Bohemian
- Tyrol
- Czechoslovakia
- Casimir
- Palatine
- Saxony
- Austria
- Bavaria
- Ferdinand
- Monarchy
- Elector
- Palatinate
- Theresa
- Elisabeth
- Tuscany
- Slovakia
- Maximilian
- Brandenburg
- Rudolph
- Galicia
- Slav
- Luxembourg
- Karel
- Rudolf
- Austrian
- Leopold
- Fief
- Prussian
- Reich
- Coronation
- Trier
- Danube
- Vassal
- Lorraine
- Transylvania
- Legate
- Poland
- Prussia
- Adler
- Mainz
- Emperor
- Consort
- Duke
- Josef
- Protestant
- Highness
- Frederick
- Agnes
- Pomerania
- Sherlock
- Salzburg
- Croatia
- Protestantism
- Nazi
- Cistercian
- Vienna
- Tilly
- Alsace
- Oder
- Romani
- Brabant
- Bratislava
- Crusade
- Kingdom
- Nuremberg
- Protector
- Luce
- Rhine
- Philipp
BOHEMIA, proper noun. A region in the west of the former Czechoslovakia and present-day Czech Republic.
BOHEMIA, noun. A community of bohemians, unconventional artists or writers.
BOHEMIA, noun. Alternative letter-case form of Bohemia
Dictionary definition
BOHEMIA, noun. A historical area and former kingdom in the Czech Republic.
BOHEMIA, noun. A group of artists and writers with real or pretended artistic or intellectual aspirations and usually an unconventional life style.
Wise words
If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words.