Associations to the word «Indy»
- Ladder
- Hours
- Miami
- Robbie
- Winston
- Sponsor
- Dodge
- Fisher
- Twin
- Ars
- Felipe
- Drive
- Dan
- Marco
- Wrestler
- Chronicles
- Ethanol
- Trenton
- Peterson
- Pride
- Nazis
- Guillaume
- Brasil
- Laguna
- Announcer
- Michigan
- Supplier
- Graphics
- Alexandre
- Alabama
- Scott
- Cunningham
- Jensen
- Owner
- Competitor
- Detroit
- Hunter
- Townsend
- Start
- Con
- Brazilian
- Simmons
- Rival
- Mercedes
- Ernest
- Composer
- Casino
- Kansas
- Litre
- Breeder
- Team
- Papyrus
- Idol
- Danny
- Gateway
- Pork
- Dana
- Chant
- Entry
- Automobile
- Aurora
- Indie
- Jones
- Moreno
- Café
- Sparta
- Thoroughbred
- Romeo
- Rag
- Mid
- Contender
- Sport
- Entrant
INDY, proper noun. A nickname for Indianapolis.
INDY, acronym. I'm Not Dead Yet
INDY, noun. An independent entity.
INDY, adjective. Independent, unaffiliated (especially not affiliated with a major organization or company).
INDY, noun. Cars designed to meet the rules on the Indianapolis 500 car race.
Wise words
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not
truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words
are not good.