Associations to the word «Disappointing»
- Relegation
- Finishing
- Finish
- Sales
- Ign
- Playoff
- Season
- Favourite
- Defeat
- Tottenham
- Meath
- Performance
- Podium
- Rating
- Barnsley
- Reviewer
- Batting
- Failing
- Opener
- Qualifying
- Result
- Setback
- Attendance
- Expectation
- Wimbledon
- Loss
- Massa
- Campaign
- Kilkenny
- Bounce
- Bulldog
- Exit
- Wicket
- Rebound
- Midfield
- Hotspur
- Afc
- Comeback
- Scoring
- Maverick
- Oldham
- Ebert
- Graeme
- Stint
- Longhorn
- Galway
- Rbi
- Overall
- Rival
- Fremantle
- Fa
- Qualifier
- Compatriot
DISAPPOINTING, adjective. That disappoints or disappoint.
DISAPPOINTING, verb. Present participle of disappoint
Dictionary definition
DISAPPOINTING, adjective. Not up to expectations; "a disappointing performance from one who had seemed so promising".
Wise words
Actions speak louder than words.