Associations to the word «Criticize»
- Praising
- Ign
- Overly
- Reviewer
- Graphic
- Feminist
- Failing
- Editorial
- Ebert
- Defamation
- Portrayal
- Lack
- Originality
- Hypocrisy
- Gamer
- Environmentalist
- Stereotype
- Shortcoming
- Pitchfork
- Amnesty
- Inconsistency
- Portraying
- Semitism
- Commentator
- Visual
- Reliance
- Romney
- Acting
- Marxism
- Informer
- Columnist
- Methodology
- Handling
- Mao
- Critic
- Storyline
- Racism
- Capitalism
- Nietzsche
- Hegel
- Censorship
- Stance
- Saying
- Inability
- Islamist
- Homosexual
CRITICIZE, verb. To find fault (with something).
CRITICIZE, verb. To evaluate (something), assessing its merits and faults.
Dictionary definition
CRITICIZE, verb. Find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws; "The paper criticized the new movie"; "Don't knock the food--it's free".
CRITICIZE, verb. Act as a critic; "Those who criticize others often are not perfect, either".
Wise words
Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before
you let it fall.