Associations to the word «Hudson»
- Terminal
- Redevelopment
- Troy
- Paterson
- Outpost
- Shreveport
- Essex
- Kingston
- Mackenzie
- Astor
- Overland
- Frederic
- Broadway
- Rivers
- Abrams
- New
- Cornwall
- Riverside
- Niagara
- Harmon
- Monopoly
- Highland
- Vancouver
- Canal
- Irving
- Northwest
- Lon
- Estuary
- Marlborough
- Beacon
- Goodwin
- Company
- Chesapeake
- Maynard
- Sears
- Tributary
- Livingston
- Newfoundland
- Severn
- Packard
- Taylor
- Inlet
- Rip
- Pier
- Beaver
- Simpson
- Moose
- Garry
- Avenue
- Mcmillan
- Heather
- Skyline
- Macy
- County
- Trans
- Shoreline
- Steamer
- Helm
- Rowland
- Subway
- Mcleod
- Gifford
- Greenland
- Quebec
- Helmut
- Hyde
- Baton
- Howe
- Starr
- Connecticut
- Mckinley
- Entire
- London
- Steamship
- Rail
- Barge
- Crossing
- Banks
- Whaling
- Trapping
- Navigator
- Nintendo
- Boulevard
- Scranton
- Rockefeller
- Henry
- Clinton
HUDSON, proper noun. A surname.
HUDSON, proper noun. A river in United States that flows through upstate New York down the Hudson valley into the Atlantic Ocean.
HUDSON, proper noun. A male given name, transferred from the surname.
HUDSON, proper noun. A town in Colorado
HUDSON, proper noun. A CDP in Florida
HUDSON, proper noun. A village in Illinois
HUDSON, proper noun. A town in Indiana
HUDSON, proper noun. A city in Iowa
HUDSON, proper noun. A city in Kansas
HUDSON, proper noun. A town in Maine
HUDSON, proper noun. A town in Massachusetts
HUDSON, proper noun. A city in Michigan
HUDSON, proper noun. A town in New Hampshire
HUDSON, proper noun. A city in New York
HUDSON, proper noun. A town in North Carolina
HUDSON, proper noun. A city in Ohio
HUDSON, proper noun. A CDP in Pennsylvania
HUDSON, proper noun. A city in Quebec, Canada
HUDSON, proper noun. A town in South Dakota
HUDSON, proper noun. A city in Texas
HUDSON, proper noun. A city in Wisconsin
HUDSON, proper noun. A town in Wyoming
HUDSON BAY, proper noun. An inland sea in northeastern Canada.
HUDSON RIVER, proper noun. A river in United States that flows through upstate New York down the Hudson Valley into the Atlantic Ocean.
Dictionary definition
HUDSON, noun. A New York river; flows southward into New York Bay; explored by Henry Hudson early in the 17th century.
HUDSON, noun. English naturalist (born in Argentina) (1841-1922).
HUDSON, noun. English navigator who discovered the Hudson River; in 1610 he attempted to winter in Hudson Bay but his crew mutinied and set him adrift to die (1565-1611).
Wise words
The short words are best, and the old words are the best of