Associations to the word «Sears»
- Sears
- Bolt
- Flame
- Thread
- Flesh
- Lung
- Heat
- Burn
- Meat
- Breath
- Store
- Blast
- Trigger
- Skin
- Dragon
- Fire
- Throat
- Smoke
- Gout
- Brilliance
- Bliss
- Hammer
- Notch
- Chest
- Catalog
- Cock
- Lever
- Haley
- Glare
- Nile
- Brain
- Firearm
- Grill
- Iron
- Breech
- Attacker
- Nyc
- Striker
- Steak
- Lightning
- Mall
- Firing
- Pin
- Primer
- Fury
- Leaf
- Climb
- Retailer
- Juice
- Lid
- Stem
- Auto
- Armor
- Muzzle
- Soul
- Anchor
- Pistol
- Marker
- Cole
- Slide
- Lock
- Mechanism
- Fist
- Pull
- Merchandise
- Valve
- Yellow
- Beam
- Joel
- Belt
- Sky
- Scar
SEAR, adjective. Dry; withered, especially of vegetation.
SEAR, verb. To char, scorch, or burn the surface of something with a hot instrument.
SEAR, verb. To wither; to dry up.
SEAR, verb. (figurative) To mark permanently, as if by burning.
SEAR, noun. A scar produced by searing
SEAR, noun. Part of a gun that retards the hammer until the trigger is pulled.
Dictionary definition
SEAR, verb. Make very hot and dry; "The heat scorched the countryside".
SEAR, verb. Become superficially burned; "my eyebrows singed when I bent over the flames".
SEAR, verb. Burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color; "The cook blackened the chicken breast"; "The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece"; "the flames scorched the ceiling".
SEAR, verb. Cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat; "The sun parched the earth".
SEAR, adjective. (used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture; "dried-up grass"; "the desert was edged with sere vegetation"; "shriveled leaves on the unwatered seedlings"; "withered vines".
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