Associations to the word «Extrinsic»


EXTRINSIC, adjective. External, separable from the thing itself, inessential
EXTRINSIC, adjective. Not belonging to, outside of
EXTRINSIC REWARD, noun. A reward, such as food, that is tangible and visible to others, and external (as opposed to an intrinsic reward).
EXTRINSIC REWARDS, noun. Plural of extrinsic reward

Dictionary definition

EXTRINSIC, adjective. Not forming an essential part of a thing or arising or originating from the outside; "extrinsic evidence"; "an extrinsic feature of the new building"; "that style is something extrinsic to the subject"; "looking for extrinsic aid".

Wise words

Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
Mohandas Gandhi