Associations to the word «Elongate»


ELONGATE, adjective. Lengthened, extended.
ELONGATE, adjective. Slender.
ELONGATE, verb. To make long or longer by pulling and stretching; to make elongated.
ELONGATE, verb. To depart to, or be at, a distance; especially, to recede apparently from the sun, as a planet in its orbit.
ELONGATE, verb. (obsolete) To remove further off.

Dictionary definition

ELONGATE, verb. Make long or longer by pulling and stretching; "stretch the fabric".
ELONGATE, adjective. (of a leaf shape) long and narrow.
ELONGATE, adjective. Having notably more length than width; being long and slender; "an elongate tail tapering to a point"; "the old man's gaunt and elongated frame".

Wise words

Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.
John Adams